stuyvesant high school class of 1983

In Memory

Classmates who are dearly missed:

Faris Al-Atraqchi

Faris Al-Atraqchi's high school yearbook photo

Faris Al-Atraqchi died in about March of 1984, while attending NYU.

Peter Richards

Peter Richards' high school yearbook photo

Peter Richards died while attending Cornell.

Darrell Tornay

Darrell Tornay's high school yearbook photo

Darrell Tornay died in 1987.

There is an article: Bridge: 2 Players, Old and Young, Are Mourned in New York

There is a Darrel Tornay Free Loan Society that helps people in memory of Darrell.

Catherine Tse

Catherine Tse's high school yearbook photo

Catherine Tse died in 1995 in Valencia, California.

Lelya Turchin

Lelya Turchin's high school yearbook photo

Lelya Turchin died in 1998.

Lelya's obituary.

Jennifer Perlman

Jennifer Perlman's high school yearbook photo

Jennifer Perlman died in 2001.

Her husband made a website to remember her. It is no longer online, but there is an old copy in the Internet Archive.

Wen Liao

Wen Liao (class of 1984) passed on September 11, 2004.

Cas Marino (class of 1984)

Cas Marino died on June 7, 2014.

He had a page on Facebook.

And there was his website, - as recorded in the Internet Archive.

Charlie Liu

Charlie Liu's high school yearbook photo

Charlie Liu died on February 6, 2018.

Here is his obituary.

His page on Facebook is here.

Here is a photo with Charlie.

Ray Carthy

Ray Carthy's high school yearbook photo

Ray Carthy passed away on May 31, 2019.

Here is a Facebook discussion.

Here is his Facebook page.

Ben Meltzer

Ben Meltzer, who was in our class Freshman year, passed away on Jan 24, 2021, in Maine.

Here is a Facebook discussion.

Here is his Facebook page.

Michael "Endora" Shiner (class of 1984)

Michael "Endora" Shiner from the class of '84 passed away in February, 2021.

Here is a Facebook discussion.

His Facebook memorial.

Here is his his Facebook page.

Wesley Stradone

Wesley Stradone's high school yearbook photo

Wesley Stradone passed away in October, 2021.

His passing was listed in the Winter 2023
Stuyvesant Alumni Spectator.

Here is a facebook discussion.

Marisa Hansell

Marisa Hansell's high school yearbook photo

Marisa Hansell passed away on March 24, 2022.

Here is her obituary.

Here is a Facebook discussion.

Here is her Facebook page.

For more information and a list of teachers who have passed away, please sign in to the website and see the In Memory topic in this website's discussion area.

If you have corrections, updates, or, sadly, additions, we want to know.
Please contact the webmaster with any updates.